The Prodigal Public House welcomes its neighbors to gather inside
for conversation, celebrations and camaraderie.
Feed your belly and your soul
The Prodigal Public House is where everyone is welcome to come to have their spirit fed, along with good food and drink.
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About Us
Our story begins in a bar, in an era of jean skirts, big bangs, tight jeans, rugby shirts, Bruce Springsteen, and the tv show Cheers-a fictional bar where “you want to go where everyone knows your name.” I was the bartender and Jeffrey was the restaurant manager. This tall, dark, and handsome ping-pong playing Pennsylvania-raised seminary student stole my heart. He likes to think it was his big ol’ turquoise belt buckle and our matching white cowboy boots that caught my attention. Not so, cowboy. I fell for his easy-going ways and his love for celebrating life. What also began in that humble establishment was our fondness for a gathering place and a tiny whisper of a dream to create one ourselves. Over thirty years later, our dream is a fully-formed reality.
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There’s nothing wrong with having fun! #ProdigalPubMN